DigiWorld Entertainment LLC
Film, Entertainment & Production Studio
5000 Square ft. facility
Looking For A Special Place to Host Your Next Event or Film your next project? Contact Us Today.
Event Room Rate
Rental (Hourly)
Fri-Sun $250.00 1st hr, $100 each additional hr.
Mon-Thurs $200.00 1st hr. $80 each additional hr.
Rental (6 hrs)
Total ….….. Fri-Sun $700.00 Mon-Thurs ….…. $550.00 Holiday ….…. $900.00
Rental (8 hrs)
Total ….….. Fri-Sun $900.00 Mon-Thurs ….…. $700.00 Holiday ….…. $1000.00
Facility Daily Block (24hrs)
Total ….….. Fri-Sun $2000.00 Mon-Thurs ….…. $1600.00 Holiday ….…. $2400.00
TEEN, OPEN ROOM PARTIES, AND TICKET SOLD EVENTS must include TWO licensed security,
a liability waiver, and an additional $300 refundable security deposit to cover non-cleaning compliance, facility damages, and any other facility rule violations. (time includes setup and cleanup time). No outside LIquor is allowed in the facility.